Barcelona Children’s Hospital Sant Joan de Déu – Vertical Communications Center

Rai Pinto Studio designed themed landings in the vertical communications center at Barcelona Children’s Hospital, incorporating elements from mountains worldwide and adapting design to patient needs.

  • Completed 2023
  • Location Barcelona, Spain,
  • Type Hospital,
  • Pinto Studio designed six of the landings in the new vertical communications center at the Barcelona Children’s Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. This building connects, using elevators and stairs, the maternity unit and the hospitalization unit. The assignment was to create on each floor a play area, a workspace for professionals, and a meeting space between the families of the patients and the healthcare professionals.

    Taking advantage of the vertical nature of the communication system, it was decided that the overarching theme would be the highest mountains from each continent, thereby also reinforcing the international aspect of the hospital, and the hidden animals we find are native to each area. Each landing follows the same layout, but the design has been adapted to the patients occupying it according to their ages or needs.

    This latest humanization project is part of the larger project that has been ongoing for more than ten years at the hospital under the title: Animals playing hide and seek.

    Design: Rai Pinto Studio
    Graphic Design: Arauna Studio
    Photography: Pol Viladoms