Taiwan Airlee Biomedical & Cosmetic Policlinic

  • area / size 21,528 sqft
  • Completed 2021
  • Location Beijing, China,
  • Type Clinic,
  • WIT Design & Research used a light neutral color palette for the Taiwan Airlee Biomedical & Cosmetic Policlinic in Beijing, China.

    Airlee focuses on medical beauty. The petals are metaphors. Therefore, letting life bloom again against age is the theme of this space narrative.The lobby is divided into 4 areas: consultation, rest, treatment and operation. The atmosphere created in the lobby allows guests to negotiate in the context of “re- blooming” discussions, relaxed and happy. Purity is the main theme of the space, combined with soft curves and colors, so that the surgeon can relax and resist anxiety.

    Design: WIT Design & Research
    Photography: One Thousand Degrees Image