Parkland Moody Outpatient Center

  • area / size 525,000 sqft
  • Completed 2021
  • Location Dallas, Texas, , United States
  • HKS designed a sophisticated and thoughtful space for the Parkland Moody Outpatient Center in Dallas, Texas.

    The Parkland Moody Outpatient Clinic is a multi-specialty clinic consolidating a fragmented network of services around the Parkland system into an outpatient tower on the campus of Parkland Hospital. As the hospital for Dallas County, Parkland seeks to be the foundation for a healthy Dallas, thus, the design for the clinic had to steward the county’s resources, both in initial cost and long-term flexibility. Standardization and modularity, from the prefabricated wall panels on the exterior, to the standardized clinic pods within the clinic, bring flexibility and quality to the design. An emphasis on wellness is infused into the massing, siting, and landscape plan of the clinic, which seeks to “put the park back in Parkland” by providing a network of greenspace between the main hospital and the outpatient clinic. The green pedestrian access connects to rail and bus stops on campus, providing a vegetative gateway for patients. Within the clinic, this green corridor flows into a light-filled public spine, which provides clear and stress-reducing access to the clinics. The nest of greenspace around the building is utilized in the healing process, providing comforting views from the oncology infusion suite and a simulated nature walk for the outpatient rehab clinic.

    Design: HKS
    Associate Architects: Manning Architects, VAI Architects Inc.
    Contractor: McCarthy Crowther, A Joint Venture
    Photography: Tom Harris, Daryl Shields